Bath City FC Foundation
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
We will provide Football sessions, supported by Bath Mind, for male and female adults who may be suffering with mental health issues and social isolation, to help improve confidence and self-esteem.

About this cause
We're a group that wants to support our community to improve mental health and wellbeing and lead active and healthy lifestyles. We provide opportunities for various communities and age groups throughout Bath to engage in football and sport sessions, predominantly. We have specific groups that we engage to offer support to those most in need.
How this cause brings people in the community together
The project will be open to anyone from the Bath community and we will also accept referrals from organisations such as Mind if sessions would be suitable and help individuals that they are in contact with. It will be a regular activity that the participants can look forward to on a weekly basis and help with social isolation. Support is provided by BCFC Foundation and Mind staff/volunteers.