Next Step Shop
Pending display name
We plan to provide fresh fruit and vegetables to members attending our Next Step Shops and offer tasters and recipes of meals which can be made on a budget.
About this cause
The Next Step Shop project is part of Footprints In The Community charity, helping to reduce poverty and isolation in the Redcar area. It is generally the next step for many food bank clients and others struggling to put food on the table for themselves and their family. People become a member, pay £2.50 each time they attend, and can then choose 10 items of food with a value of up to £15.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Members attending Next Step Shop become regulars - they form friendships with staff and volunteers and other members of the Shop. They can often be heard exchanging ideas on what to cook. Next Step Shop is a vital part of the local community, helping to improve mental health and self esteem, as members are no longer needing to use a food bank but are contributing towards the cost of their food.