Erskine Reid Macewen Activities Centre
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
We'd like to pay a professional tutor to deliver weekly classes to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable veterans; classes include anxiety management, mindfulness and relaxation therapies.
About this cause
Since 1916, Erskine has been Scotland’s leading provider of care for ex-Service men and women and their spouses. The Erskine Reid Macewen Activities Centre (ERMAC) provides social opportunities, recreation and support for disadvantaged veterans living in the community.
How this cause brings people in the community together
The classes bring together veterans with shared experiences, allowing them to seek support within a safe environment, and have a positive impact on the wellbeing of vulnerable veterans within our communities. Those who are experiencing social isolation, loneliness and mental health challenges particularly benefit socially, recreationally and educationally.