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Food and Friendship

Mental wellbeing

We aim to develop our lunch clubs to engage as many new guests as possible who have suffered during the Covid pandemic with isolation and loneliness, severely affecting their wellbeing and health.

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About this cause

We're a group who want to bring isolated people together through food. We tackle loneliness and create communities with friendly low-cost lunch clubs. We run a club on Tuesdays aimed at older people with transport provided, and on Thursdays an opportunity for adults with learning disabilities to learn to prepare ingredients and learn new skills while socialising.

Food and Friendship website

Food and Friendship on Facebook

Food and Friendship on Twitter

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will develop relationships and engage more volunteers from different backgrounds, especially young people, who have suffered a huge loss during the pandemic, to help our community re-build after so much loneliness and fear. Our clubs will help people to enjoy their community again and be a part of it in a positive way, which will have a beneficial effect on wellbeing.