The Hub at Henley Community Centre
Pending display name
We would develop the running of our "stay and play" youth activities and senior citizens' club through the provision of new equipment and resources, such as furniture, sports, crafts and a projector.
About this cause
We have over 5,000 attendances a year from mums with babies, young families, young people and the over 65s. We offer free IT lessons, an outreach for the foodbank, and private bookings. Trained staff give support and advice on many difficult situations faced by residents. Our mission is to inspire independence, educate for better choices and strengthen resolve to overcome personal challenges.
How this cause brings people in the community together
We would provide those who are isolated or vulnerable in our community with a sense of belonging, including a safe place to go to meet others. During Lockdown we have worked hard to develop relationships with our most at-risk community members, including visits, telephone calls, newsletters and Zoom meetings. They are looking forward to returning to the hub and taking part in new activities.