Whale Track
Pending display name
We would like to provide free resources and workshops in our community, and keep Whale Track running to safeguard whales and dolphins in the Hebrides for future generations.

About this cause
The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust's vision is of healthy Hebridean seas for whales, dolphins, porpoises and people. From a community of citizen scientists helping generate evidence to drive effective marine conservation, to those in coastal communities empowered to care for the marine environment through inspirational education and meaningful engagement, community is at the heart of all we do.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Spending time outdoors in nature, particularly in blue spaces like our coasts, has proven benefits for our wellbeing. Whale Track provides the tools to help connect people with nature, and anyone can get involved. Bringing our coastal community together to share knowledge and experiences will help create connections between people, Hebridean seas and the dolphin communities that live within them.