Challenge Wales
Pending display name
We want to improve the life skills, individual potential, and mental wellbeing of no fewer than 100 disadvantaged young people through outdoor sail training and shore-based activities.

About this cause
Challenge Wales works with disadvantaged young people aged 12–25 years to develop their life skills and employability prospects, enabling them to have a voice in their community and be positive and active citizens. The outdoor activities undertaken are also evidenced, at the same time, to help young people improve their mental health and wellbeing.
How this cause brings people in the community together
We work in partnership with groups, helping disengaged and disadvantaged young people with chaotic and challenging lives. Sail Training (our project) is evidenced to improve employability skills; team building, communication, resilience, responsibility, mental wellbeing and social skills, enabling young people to be active and positive community members and confident role models for others.