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Crossroads Care South East London

Social Inclusion

We want to train a member of staff to deliver fun and inspired chair-based exercise classes at our memory-caring cafes for older people.

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About this cause

Bexley Crossroads Care Ltd provides practical support to approximately 160 unpaid carers (aged between 16 – 96 years old) and their loved ones across the London boroughs of Bexley, Greenwich and Lewisham. An autonomous registered not for profit charity we are a network partner of Carers Trust with our own autonomous board of Trustees. We provide prevention and early intervention services, volunteer befriending services to unpaid carers and older people as well as parent carers of disabled children and young people in their own home or in the community. Our aim is to improve the health and well-being of unpaid carers that will help mitigate the risk of escalation or crisis/intensive support thus helping them to become more independent and valued in their caring role.

How this cause brings people in the community together

The project will develop and increase social inclusion and active healthier lives to meet the social and emotional needs of carers and older people. It would include working closely with social care, health and voluntary sector partners to explore and identify residents in our three operating boroughs to come along and participate in fun activities in a safe environment. It will also aim to: • Raise the awareness, profile and value of carers and older people in our community. • Increase cooperation & collaboration between, health, social care, public health and voluntary sector organisations • Improve the health and well-being of carers and older people. • Expand our existing adult volunteer befriending service as an additional resource to support the project