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Pannal Ash Junior Football Club


We want to support our new girls football teams by providing kit and equipment.

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About this cause

Pannal Ash Junior Football club has successfully supported junior football in the Oatlands area of Harrogate for thirty nine years. Here, 300 children each year play football, learn key life skills such as teamwork, discipline and a healthy lifestyle. Recently the club acquired a 30 year lease on the Almsford playing fields and immediately set about improving the drainage so that the whole community could benefit. The playing fields are always open for community use and the club, run entirely by volunteers, is the guardian of the community resource. Harrogate has an identified lack of playing fields and 14% of year 6 children are clinically obese. Participation in team sports promotes healthy living and also promotes teamwork, discipline and lowers anti-social behaviours.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Pannal Ash Junior Football Club is well rooted in the community with the 50 volunteers involved in running the club drawn from the area. The club is keen to support girls football in line with national initiatives and an important way to support girls into football is by providing fit for purpose kit and equipment. The club hopes to increase the numbers of girls playing football and prevent the known drop off in participation in sports over the teenage years. The girls teams will benefit as will the whole club and the 50 volunteers involved in running the club. In turn, the club will continue to run a well funded community resource which will benefit the whole community.