Reds in the Community
Pending display name
We will run after-school multi-sports sessions in Wombwell so young people aged 8-13 and 14-19 can stay physically active and socialise with their peers.
About this cause
We use the power of football and Barnsley FC to improve lives through sports sessions/workshops to improve wellbeing, increase sports participation and promote positive behaviours. We offer targeted work for groups, e.g. refugees and the disabled, to increase wellbeing and participation, and accredited courses and volunteering for those aged 15–19 to provide pathways into education, employment, and training.
How this cause brings people in the community together
The project will enable young people to exercise and socialise together in their community. It will help restore normality and ensure participants are not drawn into negative/anti-social behaviours. The group chats will encourage new relationships and peer support. Discussion on needs and hopes will empower participants to identify and shape future projects with potential benefit across Barnsley.