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SCB (Special Needs)

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We aim to provide a safe environment where those in our community with learning difficulties can explore the world of work, gain skills and a sense of belonging while offering respite to carers.

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About this cause

SCB (Special Needs) offers a therapeutic workshop facility in the community where those with learning difficulties or special needs can experience the world of work in a safe environment while developing basic skills, building confidence, interacting and gaining a sense of belonging. Attendance gives routine and structure and aids good mental health, while also offering respite to parents and carers.

How this cause brings people in the community together

One of the aims of the charity is to empower individuals and help them develop a sense of belonging. Through outsourced work supplied by local companies, we are able to demonstrate that all, despite of any disability, have a role to play within communities and society. The organisation supports those who access the service as well as parents and carers, by offering respite.