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Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People

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We'd like to provide a space for families who are bereaved to come together to celebrate precious lives and lament their loss.

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About this cause

As East Midlands’ only hospice for children and young people, we provide vital care and support to families impacted by life-limiting conditions. We provide; end-of-life care, symptom management, short breaks, respite care, and are there to support parents and siblings through their bereavements.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our experience tells us that the community of bereaved families feel the value of being together and noticing they are not alone. The sensitivity of the words and music chosen for the remembrance service allows families to connect to unexpressed grief in a supportive environment. This contributes positively to their mental wellbeing and helps them to carry on after the death of their child.