Reach Southwell and Flower Pod
Pending display name
We would like to deliver bespoke wellbeing activities to vulnerable people with learning disabilities in Southwell to help them overcome the emotional trauma of social isolation.
About this cause
Reach Southwell and Flower Pod are part of Reach Learning Disability, a charity supporting approximately 250 people with learning disabilities a week to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to make happier, healthier lives in their own community. We do this by offering high quality courses and social activities which are currently online due to Covid-19. We also provide support to family carers.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our project will provide bespoke support for people with learning disabilities to overcome trauma and build confidence in using local and online facilities, using the goodwill and support of local volunteers and businesses such as the Co-op. Activities will focus on ways to re-engage and participate in local life again and build a strong community to ensure support is in place for the future.