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St Wilfrid's Hospice

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We would like to buy equipment for our wellbeing activities which help patients both in our hospice and in our local community.

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About this cause

We provide specialist palliative care to any patient over 18 with a terminal illness. We provide medical care both in our hospice and the community through our community nursing service. We also provide emotional and spiritual care to patients, their families and carers. In 2019-20 we supported 2,264 people. We aim for a community where people talk openly about dying and living well until the end of life.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our wellbeing activities help people with terminal illnesses come together with their community. They help people with mobility and fatigue, improving physical health. They also allow people to de-stress and socialise with people who are in a similar situation, improving loneliness and mental health. They focus on helping patients to live well at end of life.