Friends of Belmont School, Grantham
Pending display name
We aim to renew an educational pond dipping area, create a trail path & an outdoor kitchen area to teach skills about food sources/gardening/sustainability & build a covered outdoor learning area.

About this cause
FOBS are a group of parents & a registered charity. Our objectives are to advance the education of Belmont pupils & enhance the school’s facilities. We work in partnership with the school and parents to develop links between the surrounding community and local businesses. Our fundraising efforts are always centered around the enjoyment for children.
How this cause brings people in the community together
We would welcome people from the community of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to come together, socialise and interact with each other in our outdoor space. This would encourage mindfulness, and would empower both our children and the wider community. The Friends of Belmont School strive to promote a positive outlook for all and help others along the way.