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LNBP Community Boating at Braunston

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We want to offer our boats to those in the community who would otherwise be unable to afford a break after the Covid-19 pandemic. We would especially like to focus on key workers and their families.

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About this cause

We operate two community boats from our base at Braunston, Northants. We provide skippered or self-steer trips for a wide range of community groups. Our low hire rates give those who would otherwise not be able to enjoy our canals the opportunity to experience the historic, environmental, and social benefits of operating a narrowboat. Post-Covid-19 we hope to provide much-needed breaks to key workers.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Many in the community will have been affected by unemployment, loneliness, or by being a key worker. We see holidays or short trips, particularly in the UK, as a great way to bring communities and those seriously affected together. Our boats will provide them with the opportunity to socialise and relax and will support the waterways economy, also affected, of which Braunston is at the heart.