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Stepping Out Community Group

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We help members with their recovery during and after their cancer diagnosis, with a group exercise and wellbeing scheme which is free at the point of delivery.

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About this cause

We help the West Dorset community by delivering a specialist cancer rehabilitation exercise and wellbeing scheme. Activities are delivered twice weekly, normally by face-to-face classes, but during the pandemic this has taken place remotely. We provide a lifeline to participants who are at increased risk of the virus, with many shielding at home.

How this cause brings people in the community together

We bring people together from all areas of the community as cancer doesn't recognise social, gender or economic boundaries. Many members live alone, in remote locations with little external contact; shielding due to Covid-19 has made this isolation much worse. Thus, we are required now more than ever, and we've ensured the scheme continues online to help people with cancer survive.