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The 4th Northampton Scouts

Pending display name

The Scouting movement is about more than just one project – it's a continual benefit to the community. This next year, we will be focusing on restoring the hall we meet in.

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About this cause

As a Scout group which includes Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, we have weekly meetings for all our young members, teaching them many skills and giving them a different outlet to school work. We have camps and expeditions, and we have many community projects to help the local parks and residents.

How this cause brings people in the community together

We have kept the weekly meetings going ahead, but over Zoom. This has meant that the children could still interact with one another and talk about their worries and concerns in a safe environment. We set them home tasks to build on their badges and we helped raise money for the NHS by joining the virtual walk to the moon.