Pending display name
Young people with learning disabilities and autism will be able to access a youth club in their community.

About this cause
We provide a service to children, young people and adults with a learning disability. We also run The Old Library, where we offer youth services, while a range of local community partners and organisations run classes, courses and social activities for the community. We are seeking additional funding so that more young people with a learning disability and autism can come to our youth clubs. They need a little extra support, so we need to employ an additional youth worker with specialist experience to help with this.
How this cause brings people in the community together
The project will bring young people from West Norwood and surrounding areas together at their local youth club. This will give them the opportunity to meet other young people in a safe, supervised environment with meaningful activities and skills training on offer. While the young people are at the youth club, parents will be able to enjoy a valuable respite break from caring responsibilities.