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October Books

Pending display name

We would like to complete our community space, so community groups can use it for preparing and sharing food through Co-op's 'FareShare'.

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About this cause

October Books is an independent bookshop providing books, events, and a community space. We sell and promote fair trade, organic, and ethical food and cleaning products; supporting communities around the world. Social justice and equality are part of our ethos, and we have collaborated with The Society of St James; a local charity providing accommodation for the homeless.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Volunteers and October Books' members will put together the new doors and work surface and help to set it up as a registered kitchen. Once completed, we want to set up a FareShare scheme that will connect the homeless, those with mental health issues and other locals in need. We would like to create a space where all the community can come to prepare, share and celebrate local food.