Thaxted Disabled Centre
Pending display name
We plan to provide materials for the creative activities at the centre and to cover transportation costs for members to enjoy outings.

About this cause
The Thaxted Disabled Centre provides a pleasant and caring environment for the benefit and enjoyment of people with physically difficulties in and around Uttlesford to participate in a range of skills to develop self confidence and independence and provides a social network for individuals who might otherwise be confined to their home with only the TV for company. Activities including chair-caning, knitting, quilting, basket-making and sewing are supervised and supported by a wonderful team of experienced and dedicated long-serving volunteers. The centre works with Uttlesford Community Travel to provide transport free-of-charge for members to attend the centre. The centre relies on donations and fundraising to cover this cost.
How this cause brings people in the community together
The centre provides a wonderful service for the benefit and enjoyment of Uttlesford residents with physical difficulties. Users’ twice-weekly visits to the centre foster important social network opportunities for many individuals who would otherwise be isolated or confined to their homes. Many members say coming to the centre is the highlight of their week.