Woodlands Animal Sanctuary
Pending display name
We would like to extend and expand our outreach work in the community to engage with more people of all ages and backgrounds.

About this cause
We are a small independent animal sanctuary operating in an area with some of the most economically deprived parts of the UK. We undertake outreach work in the community to educate and inform both children and adults, as well as visiting care and nursing homes with our animals to provide stimulation and interest to patients, particularly those with dementia. We work with local special needs schools to offer volunteering opportunities to young people, such as students with autism. We also provide volunteering opportunities to people of all ages with mental health issues. Whilst animal welfare is our prime purpose, another important part of our remit is to engage with many different parts of the community to benefit both people and animals, including native wildlife, especially hedgehogs.
How this cause brings people in the community together
We hope our outreach work will further inspire children and young people to care for animals and wildlife, working together to help protect nature. They have already worked together to make hedgehog houses and hedgehog-friendly areas in the school grounds, which also benefits the environment for the wider community. This hopefully encourages parents and families to get involved too.