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Ormiston Parish Church

Pending display name

We aim to improve the appearance of the church car park, which is in a prime position in the conservation area of the village Main Street.

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About this cause

Ormiston Church is situated opposite our Co-op store on Main Street at the heart of the village which is in a designated conservation area. As well as weddings and funerals, it also offers facilities for the use of the community, such as an assembly hall for the primary school, coffee mornings, meeting rooms, exhibitions and concerts, and for children's holiday club. The church is included in the arrangements for the village Gala, the ceremony of switching on the Christmas lights, and for Remembrance Day. Upkeep and maintenance of the car park and grounds is the responsibility of volunteers. The car parking area is urgently in need of repair, and the cost of this is beyond the resources available.

How this cause brings people in the community together

A neat and well-presented car park will enhance the appearance of the setting in which the church stands thereby drawing the village community into a feeling of pride in their church.