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The David Hall

Pending display name

We plan to buy 28 strong, sturdy, stackable chairs to replace worn out ones, plus some storage racking to make best use of limited space.

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About this cause

The Petherton Arts Trust exists to provide arts in all forms in and around South Petherton. Primarily it does that by running the David Hall, a grade 2 listed building, in the heart of the village. After 30 years, the David Hall is known as the small hall with the big reputation for live performance. We aim to program the very best in folk, blues and accoustic music as well as film, dance, theatre and community events. The hall is central to wider community events such as the folk festival, the Christmas lights switch-on and the village carnival. It also hosts private events such as local geranium society, and can be hired for funeral wakes and parties. The village does not have a village hall and so the David Hall fulfills many of those functions.

How this cause brings people in the community together

The hall is well-used by dance classes, coffee mornings, performance nights, dog training, film club, children's holiday activities and weekly music events. Last year we sold 5236 tickets and hosted several community events which were attended by approx 1500 people, demonstrating the way the hall brings people together and provides a much-needed and valued community space.