Edward Wilson Primary School:Bloomfield Gardens
Pending display name
Develop a site (adopted from Canal and River Trust) into a school garden which our school community can care for and enjoy.
About this cause
Edward Wilson Primary School is a non-selective community school which serves the local community. We have a diverse population of pupils and families at our school. 99% of our pupils have BAME background from a range of ethnic backgrounds including Iraqi, Afghan, Kurdish, Kosovan and Lebanese. 65% of our pupils are pupil premium (compared to 24% national average) and 87% of our pupils speak English as an additional language (compared to 21% on the national average). Edward Wilson Primary School aims to create a safe and secure learning environment where pupils feel valued, happy and receive the highest standards of teaching and learning. We aim to inspire, challenge and motivate our pupils, and our entire school community. We want our families to feel a sense of purpose and belonging.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our school is in one of the most deprived pockets of Westminster and most of our families do not have access to green spaces. We want to tackle the disparity in our local community by developing this site into a school garden. We aim to promote community cohesion by building on our links with the care home, CRT and The Paddington Partnership and organising workshops in the space.