21st Romsey Scout Group
Pending display name
We wish to improve the energy efficiency of our headquarters, both for environmental reasons and the cost-effective use of our funds.
About this cause
We are part of the national Scout Association (www.scouts.org.uk), following its aims and methods. Formally, the aim is: “To actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.” Less grandly, it’s to help the young people grow into responsible adults and have fun while doing it! We currently have 125 young people between the ages of six and 14 as members, led by a team of adult volunteers who run an active and varied programme. In addition, the local Explorer Scout section (for 14s to 17s) meets in our HQ, as do the local Brownies and the Retired Men's Fellowship. 'Hearing Dogs' use our premises to train dogs to help people who are deaf.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Making the hall more comfortable will benefit all who use it, from the youngest Beaver to the oldest member of the Retired Men's Fellowship. As Scouts, we realise the importance of protecting our environment and using energy wisely; our commitment to this will encourage others. Moreover, as our electricity bill falls, the money saved can be put to better use in furthering Scouting in our area.