1st Barnham Scout Group
Young People
This will enable us to replace worn out camping equipment so the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts can enjoy camping next year.
About this cause
We provide scouting to 120 children aged 6-14years old in the Barnham area. Our Group consists of 2 Beaver Colonies, 2 Cub Packs and 2 Scout Troops. Our Scout Group offers varied and exciting programmes to stimulate and provide enjoyment for boys and girls. They take part in activities such as camping, hiking, dragon boat racing, kayaking, climbing, archery etc. Our group is run entirely by volunteers who give their time freely to help the children grow in confidence and reach their full potential.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Many of our tents are worn out and no longer suitable for the children to use. The funding will enable us to buy a more tents so we can take them camping again next year. This has the potential to benefit up to 120 children in our group and give the opportunities they may experience outside of Scouting.