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Preston Park Youth Cycling Club

Pending display name

We are aiming to install a PA system to help with the running of the many cycle events we organise for children and adults.

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About this cause

We are a club which runs cycling activities mostly for children and families. We also work alongside other cycling organisations at the Preston Park Velodrome. We have an inclusive policy and a commitment to encourage sustainable lifestyles, most notably through our work to promote the skills and confidence to use bicycles for transport, and for healthy living.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Hundreds of cyclists, both young and old, along with friends and family attend the events we, and other clubs, organise. All the clubs based at Preston Park Velodrom support each other's events during winter and summer. We recognise that a good PA system adds quality communication to our events and brings people in to enjoy the spectacle of cycle racing in the park.