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We would like to give elderly and disabled people struggling with mobility the opportunity to go on a monthly trip in an accessible vehicle.

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About this cause

SEDCAT gives elderly, disabled, and disadvantaged people living in the south and east of Dorset opportunities to connect with others and access vital services by providing appropriate accessible transport. We take people shopping, to appointments and out on social trips. The Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness found that lack of suitable transport is a major factor in social isolation and research shows that older people associate car ownership and access to transport with a higher perceived quality of life.

How this cause brings people in the community together

People with mobility problems are more at risk of loneliness and isolation but door-to-door accessible transport overcomes these difficulties and encourages social interaction. People travelling together quickly start talking to each other, some swap numbers and become friends. Once developed, these ties usually remain, and it is this contact that greatly improves lives.