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Alexander Devine Children's Hospice Service

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We would like to send wheelchair accessible transport to collect Berkshire families without transport, so they can use our services.

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About this cause

Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service provides essential support and outstanding care to families of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions across Berkshire and the surrounding counties. Our services include respite care, specialist play, symptom management, family support, end of life care and bereavement support. Care is delivered either at home, in hospital or within our children’s hospice, which was opened in 2018. This purpose-built facility includes state-of-the-art equipment such as a hydrotherapy pool, sensory room, music room, games room, family accommodation and bereavement suite. Whatever and wherever the need, we are dedicated to bringing comfort and care to these families.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Visiting our hospice will enable families to share positive and fun experiences together. Our open days enable families to engage with others in a similar situation and experience social activities rarely available to them. Our group activities for siblings are a much-needed opportunity for social interaction. Volunteers from the community support our day care sessions and open days.