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Carers in Hertfordshire

Young People

We want to identify and support more children who are caring for a loved one at home, reducing the amount of caring they do if possible.

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About this cause

Unpaid Carers • 3 in 5 people will be unpaid carers at some point? • 1 in 3 carers will give up or reduce work to continue caring? • This unpaid care saves the NHS £2b in Hertfordshire alone? • There are over 110,000 carers in Hertfordshire? • Carers are at a 80% higher risk of suffering from depression? • Our youngest carer is just 4 years old and our oldest in his 90’s? All this care comes at a cost - physically, emotionally and financially. How we help? • We provide information, advice and support • We provide breaks, leisure and learning opportunities, improving carers health and well-being. • We provide training, building confidence and resilience • We support children of any age and their families to ensure they are receiving the support they need. • And much, much more..

How this cause brings people in the community together

We work with other charities to ensure young carers get all the support they need. Whenever appropriate we have them present at events. We work with volunteers in the planning/delivery of projects. This improves their confidence and self-worth. We work with companies and raise the profile of carers. We also help identify ways of supporting their staff who are caring for someone.