St Anne's Special School Fund
Social Inclusion
We want to buy sensory play equipment to help autistic pupils cope day-to-day in school and in the wider community.
About this cause
St Anne's is a school catering for children with complex and special needs aged from 2-19 years. With in the school there are three communication bases which cater for autistic pupils. The pupils find it difficult to communicate and often exhibit behaviours which challenge as a result of their frustrations. Many pupils are under or over sensitive to sound,touch, taste and smell. (many pupils cannot tolerate wearing socks and shoes. ) I am the Assistant head at the school and a teacher in the base. We work with the pupils to engage them in play and educational activites. We work hard to help alleviate their anxieties and enable them to develop coping mechanisms in their day to day lives. Our mainobjectives are to help them achieve and be included in the main school and wider community.
How this cause brings people in the community together
We constantly strive to include our pupils in their local community. We recently received a commendation for having over 100 links with the local community . This ranged from inclusion links with local primary and secondary schools to work experience opportunites for our sixth form students at the DEEP and local Colleges. We showcase our work during Autism Awareness week each year.