Berkshire MS Therapy Centre
We want to provide oxygen treatment to help people with multiple sclerosis manage their symptoms and stay independent.
About this cause
MS is an unpredictable, life changing condition. Symptoms have a huge impact on the daily life of those with MS, their friends, family and colleagues. There is no cure for MS but the right support can make all the difference. The Berkshire MS Therapy Centre provides therapies including physiotherapy & exercise classes, oxygen treatment, counselling and a range of complementary therapies for people with MS living in Berkshire and the surrounding counties. The aim is simple: give people the power to manage the disease rather than letting it control their lives. Beyond the treatments, we provide a supportive and understanding environment.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Lack of energy, pain and limited mobility can have a huge impact on peoples role in their community. Oxygen can help overcome these things. 51% of those attending oxygen are still able to work, something they credit oxygen treatment with. 'Oxygen makes me cope with a demanding job by helping with fatigue and I feel like I have more energy and have less pain which helps day-to-day.' Susan, 2018