Barra Children's Centre-Northbay Play Park
Young People
We want to repair and restore Northbay Play Park and make it a safe and suitable place for our young people to play.
About this cause
Barra Childrens Centre is a community owned organisation, established to ensure Children aged 0-11 have improved access to opportunities for active and engaging play which supports their development and increases their skills, confidence and wellbeing. The organisation also focuses on the following key areas. Improve the quality of local infrastructure supporting preschool play and learning. Improve access to services and facilities which help support children's health and development.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Playgrounds act as focal points for the community, providing a meeting area for children and parents. Most children want to be able to play outside in the area near where they live, a local park will attract children and because they are there, they play inventively in whatever way they want. Parents can be isolated due to our location, meeting other mums at the play area is hugely important.