Off The Record Twickenham
Young People
We want to provide counselling with an experienced counsellor for young people in crisis.
About this cause
OTR provides the only free and confidential drop-in counselling, information and sexual health service for young people aged 11–24 living, working or studying in the borough of Richmond. We directly help 1,500 young people every year by providing early help, preventing future suffering and cost. Young people come with an increasing range of issues including anxiety and panic attacks, abuse, depression, self-harm and eating disorders. Feedback from young people overwhelmingly shows us that after counselling they have dramatically improved well-being, they feel less lonely or isolated and experience less anxiety or panic. Our overarching objective is that every young person has the skills and confidence to overcome life’s challenges.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Off The Record provides young people across the borough with a safe and confidential space to come to when they are afraid to share their problems even with those closest to them. They turn to Off The Record with overwhelming emotions and what feels like unmanageable situations. We actively work in partnership with other services, including GPs, schools and other voluntary sector partnerships.