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Portree Nursery

Young People

Help us update our flooring and toilet facilities and give all children comfortable areas to play.

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About this cause

We provide daycare for working parents/carers for children aged 4 months to 5 yrs. We also provide the English medium preschool education for the community of Portree and the surrounding villages. Our objective is to provide high quality and preschool education to all children in Portree and surrounding villages at a reasonable price for the local people to work. We also provide jobs and training to the local people within the community.

How this cause brings people in the community together

The nursery is accessed by many children within the community of Skye, this will upgrade the nursery to better standards for more children to have better experiences and outcomes whilst in the care of Portree Nursery ltd. It will also give parents and children freedom of choice about when to start the toilet transition and areas in each rooms in which to play comfortably on the floor.