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Southampton Young Carers Project

Young People

We want to provide young carers with activities they wouldn't necessarily experience due to the disadvantage they face in their caring role.

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About this cause

The Southampton Young Carers Project works with children and young people aged 8-18 who are caring for an unwell or disabled family member, this could be a parent or sibling or both. The family member could be affected by a learning or physical disability, mental health difficulty, chronic illness or drug and alcohol misuse. The project is committed to providing consistent, quality support and respite opportunities to ensure that young carers have access to leisure time, education, alternative learning experiences and health services. Also to break down their levels of disadvantage and isolation by providing enrichment activities.

How this cause brings people in the community together

We will be able to promote our services more widely across the community and potentially reach more young carers, who may not know of our services, or have previously not engaged with our service.