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Multi Crafts

Community Development

We want to deliver an international craft making project with an element of well-being for disadvantaged people in Firth Park, Sheffield.

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About this cause

We are a community center in Firth Park Ward, the second most deprived area of Sheffield with a high ratio of antisocial behavior crime. We aim to provide personal development opportunities for local people, increase their health and well-being and reduce the social isolation. We provide weekly basic skill training (IT, Math and English) with an accredited qualification and help local disadvantaged people (especially ethnic minority groups, long-term unemployed people aged 18+) move nearer to the world of employment. We also provide drop in sessions with an element of health and well-being through art and crafts for elders, mothers, refugees and asylum seekers and families to increase the community cohesion. There are a number of crèche sessions for people with children.

How this cause brings people in the community together

It will not only help people learn new skills, understand the multicultural diversity and take care each other but also generate income for charitable purposes. People from ethnic minorities groups, refugees and asylum seekers will be able to enhance their English skills and integrate smoothly into the community. The project will also raise the awareness of wellbeing and tackle loneliness.