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East Sussex Young Carers

Social Inclusion

We would like to organise a fun two day, overnight event for our young carers – a break away from their caring roles.

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About this cause

East Sussex Young Carers supports children aged 5-18 who have practical and/or emotional caring roles at home for a family member. We prioritise those supporting a parent who has mental health or substance misuse issues. We also support those who have family members with disabilities and long-term conditions. The support we provide aims to reduce inappropriate caring and the impact of caring. We achieve this by a tailor-made approach. The support our team of 3 staff provides includes: 1:1 support, in-school support groups, Chill Clubs, respite activities, workshops and overnight stays. All the activities are complimented by the advocacy and information we provide on behalf of and to the families. We work closely with the local community and organisations.

How this cause brings people in the community together

The Young Carers (YCs) will increase their confidence and self-esteem, making new friends who are in similar situations to themselves, this impacts positively on their schooling and future chances. The staff get to know the YCs much better, the open up more and the team can put in place additional support for those struggling with their caring roles on top of school/education.