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Musical Connections

Social Inclusion

We want to offer transport to socially isolated people so that they can attend our musical events and mix with younger generations.

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About this cause

Based in York, our community choirs and weekly music groups in sheltered housing schemes are all open to the public. Our main objective is to promote social inclusion by welcoming everyone and assisting vulnerable and older people who may be at risk of social isolation. We aim to offer transport to our groups and befriending volunteers where possible. We also do weekly sessions for residents in residential homes. All our groups have an intergenerational aspect. We combine forces with local schools and universities so that participants come together to experience the connecting and levelling power of music. We also organise regular intergenerational events in which participants from all venues gather in a central location to listen to, and partake in, performances and communal singing.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Each venue has links with local nurseries, schools and universities so that younger people are brought into the groups as often as possible. Transport is already an issue for some schools wishing to be involved and it is definitely an inhibiting factor for those who are socially isolated or unable to afford taxis. Musical Connections aims to bring community members together for friendship and fun.