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Gedling Local Group (Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust)


We require funds to build infrastructure in Foxcovert Nature Reserve to enable conservation grazing by Herdwick & Hebridean sheep.

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About this cause

Gedling Local Group (GLG) is a volunteer-led subset of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. It aims to showcase the value of wildlife to residents of Gedling and surrounding area, and inspire community-led wildlife conservation. The Group organises a range of activities each year to provide local residents with opportunities to engage with wildlife, such as habitat walks through Gedling Country Park, and an educational talks programme in Burton Joyce. The Group’s activities enable people of all ages and backgrounds to participate in wildlife conservation, improving both their physical and mental health through access to nature and green spaces. GLG is a platform for promoting wildlife conservation to the public. Through local groups, local action can be taken.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Calverton’s Foxcovert Nature Reserve is a hidden gem part of ancient Sherwood Forest. Fully open to the public, it provides a space for relaxation, bird-watching and family walks. In autumn the fairy tale wood fills with fungi such as the beautiful Fly Agaric red toadstool. Visitors & volunteers benefit from improved heath & fitness, social interaction, relaxation and an educational resource.