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23rd Salisbury Scout Group

Young People

Money will allow us to extend the opportunities offered to our young people, in particular equipment for all-season camping trips.

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About this cause

23rd Salisbury Scout Group is a long-established, thriving Scout Group with fully subscribed Beavers, Cubs & Scouts sections. Our aim is to provide fun & friendship for our members, equipping them with life skills & a firm foundation for their future. Our dedicated Leaders support local young people (currently 86 children on roll aged 6-14 years) to participate in a wide range of activities including outdoor pursuits & supporting charitable causes. Group activities also work towards increasing members' knowledge of environmental & cultural issues, developing leadership skills & building self-confidence to overcome challenges. We plan to expand our provision to create an Explorer's Section to allow local young people aged 14-18 years to continue to benefit from their journey in Scouting.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our aim for 2017-18 is to expand the age range our Group will cater for, therefore allowing more young people from the local community to join and benefit from the opportunities we can offer. We believe the community as a whole will benefit from having knowledgeable, engaged and caring young people living among them, supporting local causes and the environment.