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Link Family & Community Centre – MARC Project

Social Inclusion

We would like funds to keep our drop in centre for addicts and homeless open.

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About this cause

The Link Family and Community Centre was established in 1997. Through our varied projects we enable children, young people, adults and senior citizens to reach their full potential. In partnership with others, we also provide practical help and care for some of the most disadvantaged groups and individuals in the Ards and North Down Council area. Our projects address a number of key concerns: Project 23 Youth project works with ‘at risk’ young people, the MARC Project seeks to support adults with addictions to alcohol and drugs and the Volunteer-led Projects work with vulnerable senior citizens, preschool children and minority ethnic communities. Our building is also a resource for other organisations based outside of Ards to offer services to local people in their local area.

How this cause brings people in the community together

The Marc Project feels strongly of supporting the family unit both internally and externally, supporting the family plays a big part in a successful client recovery. The Marc project recognises the importance of building the lifeskills of service users, aiming to assist clients to identify and value a range of skills and qualities to give some direction for their lives.