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Strathmore Scout Group

Young People

We plan to renew and upgrade our camping equipment as our current kit has been used by lots of young people over many years.

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About this cause

We are a local scout group that has Beavers, Cubs and Scout sections this caters for all young people 6 -14yrs we currently have 54 on role. Our objectives are to offer fun and challenging activities, everyday adventures and the chance to make a positive impact in communities. Scouting endeavours to help young people develop many skills including leadership, commitment and use of their own initiative. In order to meet our objects we as a group, have a structured, balanced programme which enables children to earn badges and promotes their sense of achievement as well as impacting on their self-motivation. As a group we participate in lots of activities for example cardboard boat regatta and lots of outdoor experiences where the children learn life skills and develop team building abilities.

How this cause brings people in the community together

We are in the process of moving location, the hall which we will be using is in a deprived area of Luton, we have been advised that within the church congregation there are several young people and families that have expressed a wish in joining our groups. This will not only see our group grow but will enable more children to offer support , develop life skills and create new friendships.