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Friends Of St. Mark's Autism Services (FOSMAS)

Education & Skills

We want to pay for the installation and equipment to provide an outdoor sensory facility for adults with autism and learning disabilities.

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About this cause

Our charity was set up approximately 16 years ago by families of the severely autism and learning disabled people who benefit from the outstanding services provided by St. Mark's Social Education Service in Bush Hill Park, Enfield. We provide additional support for these disabled people by funding key projects which go beyond the core activities which the St. Mark's service itself can provide. We also support the families of the disabled people, who face significant challenges in their lives. We have no paid staff, but we work as volunteers to organise fundraising events and apply for grant funding where applicable. We have recently equipped an indoor sensory facility, as well as many other smaller projects. We have also funded support for specialist outings for the disabled people

How this cause brings people in the community together

This will greatly benefit the autistic, learning disabled adults, who have extremely highly developed senses and respond to light, sound and touch, when language can not be used. An outdoor sensory facility would provide stimulation and learning, but also comfort and calm. The local community will be involved in our fundraising through our Summer Fete, Christmas Fayre, Christmas Plays, etc.