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Shetland Textile Museum

Art & Culture

We want to improve our advertising to attract cruise-ship passengers and improve the immediate surroundings of our museum for visitors.

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About this cause

Our organisation cares for and exhibits a Collection of Shetland Textiles dating from C17th, held in trust for future generations. As a working museum, local residents demonstrate to visitors their skills of knitting, spinning and weaving. A regular programme of talks/workshops throughout the season enables visitors and locals to learn more about our textile heritage. College students are given space to display their work, and we offer researchers the opportunity to study our Collection. Our small gift shop allows local makers to sell their wares. A recent increase in cruise-ships berthing near the museum presents an opportunity to increase our visitor numbers. We wish to increase our advertising and signage, and improve the immediate surroundings of the Museum.

How this cause brings people in the community together

It will bring more money into the museum through increased footfall, thus enabling us to improve our Collection of Shetland textiles, which will ensure our heritage is kept and continued for future generations, while teaching more people about it. The landscaping will make the surrounding area - which is in an industrial estate, more beautiful for visitors.