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The Millennium Third Age Centre

Social Inclusion

We need finds to help local older people create and run their own multicultural social club at the 3AC.

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About this cause

3AC is a Local Community Hub supporting local charities, community groups and small business start-ups, provide IT and other training, support to new communities, especially asylum seekers and refugees - helping make Southampton a City of Sanctuary and work with partners outside the centre. Originally set up to support older people, 3AC is now a multigenerational, multicultural hub, offering opportunities for volunteering, socialising, IT Club, Writing Club, Sewing clubs, Well-being activities - mental health counselling, Tai Chi, mindfulness, Women’s Health Club, and working women's & LBGT young person’s support groups. Our aim is to become a modern community resource that meets the needs of the community we serve, and to take our work and co-production ethos out across the city.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our area is truly multicultural & in the 10% most deprived wards in the country, but it’s not a true melting pot. Older people from different cultures often lead separate lives, and this causes significant loneliness among older people in our locality. 3AC volunteers and centre users have made progress breaking down cultural and age barriers, but we know we’re only touching the surface.