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Alzheimer's & Dementia Support Services


We want to start a monthly Young Onset Dementia Group for people with a diagnosis of dementia aged under 65 years.

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About this cause

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Support Services supports people with dementia to stay in their own homes for as long as possible and gives support to their carers throughout their caring role. We have been a Registered Charity for over 25 years and support people who live Gravesham, Dartford and surrounding villages of North West Kent. Our services include 24 hour help line, local memory Cafes, Peer Support Groups, Carer Support Groups, Carer Learning Groups, Dementia Buddies (in primary care settings e.g Darent Valley Hospital) Singing for the Brain sessions, Day Care, Personal Care Services and a Bridging Service caring for those between leaving Hospital ( Darent Valley) and their first few days at home.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project directly helps those in our community under 65 years old with a dementia diagnosis, their families and carers. This group is in work and have dependent children/older parents, financial commitments, are more physically active and our project will provide them with the much needed local specialist resources whilst raising awareness /understanding and acceptance generally of Dementia.