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Stirling Young Carers Service

Young People

We want to provide short break activities for our young carers, enabling them have have fun and take a break from their caring role.

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About this cause

Stirling Carers Centre provides unprejudiced, personalised and holistic services to unpaid carers from the Stirling Council area, from age seven upwards. We are committed to making the lives of young and adult unpaid carers better, supporting them to achieve more out of life whilst managing their caring role. Our main objective is to “promote the welfare of and advance the education of carers and, in particular, the carers of Stirling Council area”. We offer a wide range of support and services, including 1:1 emotional support, carers assessments, basic advocacy, signposting, income maximisation, benefit advice and short break support. We have specific teams which deal with young carers, young adult carers and adult carers, actively supporting over 1400 unpaid carers annually.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project helps the local community in two ways. Firstly, helping our young carers to feel less isolated, and more supported, it can give them a feeling of self-worth, making them feel more engaged and part of their community. Secondly, helping them continue to care for their loved one, can help to ensure that their cared for, can remain within their own communities for as long as possible.