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Rainhill Guide House

Young People

We want to put new flooring and shelving in our storerooms to enable us to store equipment and large items more safely.

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About this cause

Rainhill Guide House provides a meeting place for several GirlGuiding units. These units provide the opportunity for over 150 girls from age 5 to 14 to meet as members of the GirlGuiding community on a weekly basis. GirlGuiding has been part of Rainhill for almost 100 year and is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. It is dedicated to making a better world for girls and young women. It empowers girls to experience life-changing adventures, to achieve their potential, to make a difference and to do their best. GirlGuiding makes a positive difference to the lives of girls.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Since 1922, when guiding first started in Rainhill, thousands of young girls have been able to experience GirlGuiding at Rainhill Guide House. This project is part of the management committees commitment to continually improve the facilities provided at the Guide House to ensure we can offer the guiding experience to young girls for many years to come.